Did you even know they exist?
And the best one is in Jamaica!
This week I’m promoting one of my all time favorite books. A LOT of you guys have already read it (LOL- I’m looking at you and all YOUR friends, Joe and Ellen!)
For those of you that haven’t read it, I’m putting up the first episode FOR FREE on Amazon from right now until Wednesday! I changed the covers (I loved the other ones, but these ones look great too, right?) but the story’s the same.
And Lori is scared stiff going...

Amazon Link:
And, of course, if you enjoyed your free taste, the whole box set- a 350 page book- is now at a killer price!
And yes, as usual, all of my books are on Kindle Unlimited!
I’m really not going to bend your ear on this book- if you’re getting my newsletters, you enjoy my writing, right? Plus, the blurb and so forth are on the links so you can see for yourself.
Ah say, ah say (in my best Foghorn Leghorn voice)
You’re really gonna love this book!
Other stuff…
Okay, Game of Thrones is on hiatus for MORE THAN A YEAR on HBO, and I’ve asked you guys for suggestions for movies to watch on ol’ Netflix. Aaaand because of James (thanks for the Kodi info), and Jim (gonna love Reign I think), Lonnie and April I have a bunch of recommendations for great TV viewing.
My favorite movie this summer is one from last summer, though. Thanks to Netflix, I got a second chance to see it. I saw it at the theater last year, but being able to watch in my living room actually made the experience more enjoyable; I LOVE the pause button! If you saw it, give it another chance; I’m sure glad that April mentioned it last week through this newsletter.
The movie?
Believe it or not, it’s a Disney movie!
WTF? An Erotic Romance writer’s gushing over DISNEY?
And the movie?
You won’t believe it!
I thought it was fantastic!
Okay… it does have Georgie Boy innit… so what’s not to love…
I mean, the guy had me gooey back in the day when he was in ER!
And Finally…
Believe it or not, it DOES get hot in Canada in the summer. So much so that I’m sick of it. So whaddya do when you’re tired of the dog days of August?
Have a great week and I’ll be yakkin’ at ya soon!
Hugs and love,
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